Transport Scotland is the national transport agency for Scotland.

Transport Scotland is an agency of the Scottish Government and is accountable to Parliament and the public through Scottish Ministers.

Transport Scotland works in partnership with private sector transport operators, local authorities and government. It also works closely with seven regional transport partnerships (RTPs) which take a strategic view of the transport needs of people and businesses in their region.

The agency was launched in January 2006 and is made up of five directorates. They are -

* Rail Delivery

* Strategy & Investment

* Trunk Roads Infrastructure & Professional Services (TRIPS)

* Trunk Road Network Management

* Finance & Corporate Services

See Transport Scotland's organisational structure for more about roles, responsibilities and contact details for each directorate.

The Scottish Government's Transport Directorate remains responsible for -

* Coordinating the National Transport Strategy for Scotland

* Liaison with regional transport partnerships, including monitoring of funding

* Sustainable transport, road safety and accessibility

* Local roads policy and casework

* Aviation, bus, freight and taxi policy

* Ferries, ports and harbours